If you’re playing The Station Inn, we like to provide a link to the artist site so that our patrons can get the full effect of the show that they’re about to attend. It’s preferable that information regarding artist links and materials be provided to your booking contact at the time of booking confirmation. Should you have the need to forward new or additional information you can do so at the contact below.
-SOCIAL MEDIA & PROTECTED LINKS: We will not guarantee that links will be added for social media or other websites that require the viewer to have an account, login or password as all viewers may not have access.
-CHANGES TO BILLING, TIME OR COVER: No changes will be made to artist billing, show time or cover charge unless submitted to your Booking Contact and will be subject to management approval. Please do not make changes in artist side promotions until venue changes are approved and confirmed.
-POSTERS & OTHER PRINTED MATERIALS: All posters and other printed materials for venue display should be provided in print form by mail or delivered by the artist’s street team no later than 2 weeks prior to the scheduled performance.
We want your show here at The Station Inn to be as successful as possible. Thanks.
Send Additional Information to: Click Here for contact form
or mail to:
Station Inn Promotions
402 12th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203